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Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Friday, December 3, 2010

Muharram, Get Inspired for Your Life

Happy Islamic New Year
Month of Muharram, the first month in th
e Hijri calendar. This month is one of the four-month illicit as Allah hath spoken, which means, "Verily, the number of months with Allah is twelve months, in the ordinance of God at the time He created the heavens and the earth, among them four months forbidden. That's what (provision) din that is straight, then do not be wronged you in four months, and fight it all the idolaters as they fight you all, and know that Allah is with those who fear Allah. " (At-Tauba: 36).

Four months as mentioned in the paragraph above
is Muharram, Rajab, Zulkaidah, and Dhul-Hijjah. Within four months of the Muslims are forbidden to wage war against infidels.

Primacy Muharam

"Fasting is the most important after the fasting of Ramadan is fasting the month of Muharram, is the most ritually pure prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer of the night." (Muslim)

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali said, Muharam called syahrullah
(moon God) has two lessons.
First, to demonstrate the primacy and glory of Muharram.
Secondly, to show God's authority in proscribe Muharram. Pengharaman this month for the war is the absolute right of God alone, no one other than his right to change the prohibition and the glory of Muharram.

In Addition, Muharram Also has many virtues. One of Them is as the words of the Prophet. above, "Fasting is the most Important after the fasting of Ramadan is fasting the month of Muharram, is the most ritually pure prayer after the obligatory prayers is the prayer of the night." (Muslim).

Fasting on Muharram is highly recommended is the tenth day, the which is better known by the term 'aasyuura. Aisha - May God blessed - was asked about fasting 'aasyuura, he replied, "I never saw the Rasulullah saw. Fasting on a day That he really Expect Fadilah on that day on other days, except for fasting on the tenth day Muharam. "(Muslim).

At the time of the Prophet, Jews are also doing fasting on the day 'aasyuura. They inherited it from the Prophet Moses. From Ibn Abbas r.a., when the
Rasulullah saw. arrived in Madinah, Rasulullah saw the Jews fasting. Rasulullah saw. asked, "What day is this? Why are you fasting?" They replied, "It's a great day, the day when Allah saved Moses and his people and drowned Pharaoh. So he fasted as a sign of gratitude, then we too fast." Rasulullah saw. said, "We Muslims have more right and more mainstream to honor the prophet Moses than you."

Abu Qatadah said, Rasulullah saw. Said, "Fasting 'aasyuura taketh away the sin of one year, while fasting Arafat takes away the sins of two years." (Muslim, Tirmizi, Abu Daud).

Initially, fasting 'aasyuura obligatory. However, after
declining the command of fasting Ramadan, ruling on a sunna. Ayesha r.a. said, "Rasulullah saw. ordered to fast 'before falling orders aasyuura Ramadan fasting. When the fasting of Ramadan was ordered, the who wants to be fast' aasyuura and who do not Want to be not fast 'aasyuura." (Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi).

Ibn Abbas r.a. mentioned, the
Rasulullah saw. fasting 'aasyuura and he ordered his Companions to fast. The Companions said, "This is a glorified day Jews and Christians. Then the Prophet. Said," Next year, God willing, We Will Also be fast on the ninth Muharam. "However, the year Following the Prophet Had Died. (Muslim, Abu David). Based on this hadith, this is sunah for Muslims to Also fasted on the ninth Muharam. Some scholars say, Should fast for three days: 9, 10, 11 Muharam . Ibn Abbas said: Rasulullah saw. said, "please Fasting on days' aasyuura and looks different with the Jews. please Fasting day before 'asyuura and the day after. "(Reported by Ahmad).

Ibn Seereen it says do this for Reasons of prudence. Because, Humans May be wrong in determining the entry of one Muharam. May it be That We think the ninth, but Actually it was the tenth. (Majmuu 'Syarhul Muhadzdzab VI/406).

And Allah knows best. source: Selengkapnya...